Ya estoy otra vez por aquí. ¿Qué tal ha ido el fin de
semana?¿ Habéis celebrado San Valentín y Carnaval? Yo el viernes tuve fiesta y
lo pase en casa recuperándome del gripazo pero como el sábado fue el cumpleaños
de Mateo, hemos pasado sábado y domingo de fiesta y fuera de casa. Ha sido un
fin de semana agotador, pero lo hemos pasado muy bien y Mateo ha disfrutado muchísimo.
El look de hoy es el que elegí el sábado para la celebración
del cumple de Mateo. Tenía la Bomber desde hacía bastante tiempo, la compré a
principios de rebajas en Suiteblanco, y aún no la había estrenado. En un primer
momento la iba a combinar con falda azul marino, pero como quería ir cómoda y
con pantalón, opte por toda de negro y ponerle zapatos y bolso en el color
amarillo de la bomber. Os tengo que confesar que los zapatos me los quite y me
puse unos mocasines para pasar todo el día cómoda y disfrutar de la fiesta.
Creo que la combinación quedó muy bien, ya que la bomber con su estampado y colorido es una prenda que
ya dice todo y no necesita mucho más.
Now I am again here. What has been the weekend? Have you celebrated Valentine and Carnival? Saturday was the birthday of Matthew, we spent Saturday and Sunday and holidays away from home. It's been a busy week so, but we've had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed Mateo.
The look of today is the one I chose Saturday to celebrate the birthday of Mateo. Her Bomber quite some time, I bought earlier reductions in Suiteblanco, and still had not released. At first I was going to wear with navy blue skirt, but as comfortable and wanted to go with pants, try and put all black shoes and bag on the yellowing of the bomber. Os I have to confess that I take them off your shoes and put on loafers to spend all day comfortable and enjoy the party.
I think the combination was well as the bomber with colorful printing and is a garment that says everything and does not need more.
The look of today is the one I chose Saturday to celebrate the birthday of Mateo. Her Bomber quite some time, I bought earlier reductions in Suiteblanco, and still had not released. At first I was going to wear with navy blue skirt, but as comfortable and wanted to go with pants, try and put all black shoes and bag on the yellowing of the bomber. Os I have to confess that I take them off your shoes and put on loafers to spend all day comfortable and enjoy the party.
I think the combination was well as the bomber with colorful printing and is a garment that says everything and does not need more.
Pantalón: Stradivarius
Camiseta: Oysho (Rebajas)
Bomber: Suiteblanco (Rebajas)
Zapatos: Zara (otra temporada)
Bolso: Stella Rittwagen (A-mar complementos)
¿Qué os ha parecido el look? ¿Os gusta el bomber? ¿Os gusta
el estampado y color?
Os deseo un feliz comienzo de semana. Mañana nos volvemos a
ver por aquí.
What do you think of the look? Do you like the bomber? You like the pattern and color?
I wish you a happy start to the week. Tomorrow we meet again here.
I wish you a happy start to the week. Tomorrow we meet again here.
Un besazo.
- 21:05:00