Ultimo madrugón del año y vacaciones!!! No sé lo que me pasa,
pero llegan estas fechas y siempre me pongo enferma, debe ser que con tanto estrés
las defensas se van también de vacaciones y yo me quedo indefensa. Espero que
solo sea un resfriado y pase las navidades tranquila, porque tengo bastantes
planes para ellas.
En el outfit de hoy os muestro una blazer de estampado de serpiente.
Ya sabéis que esta temporada está muy en tendencia este tipo de estampado y lo
podemos encontrar en multitud de prendas.
En cuanto vi esta blazer en Choies no me lo pensé dos veces y se vino para
casa. Veo que es una prenda muy versátil y puede dar un ese toque chic y
diferente que necesita un look.
Esta vez lo he combinado siguiendo la gama de colores de los
marrones y creo que queda una combinación
muy fina y elegante, pero ya tengo pensadas otras combinaciones que
pueden quedan genial, muy pronto os las enseño.
Last year holiday !!! I do not know what happens to me, but come this time and I always get sick, you should be that much stress defenses will also go on vacation and I remain helpless. I hope just be a cold and pass the quiet Christmas, because I have many plans for them.
The outfit today I show one snake print blazer. You know that this season is very much in trend this type of printing and can be found in many garments.
When I saw this blazer in choies not me think twice and came home. I see that is a very versatile garment and can give a chic twist that needs a look.
This time I combined following palette of browns and think it is a very fine and elegant combination, but I have thought other combinations that may look great, very soon will I teach them.
The outfit today I show one snake print blazer. You know that this season is very much in trend this type of printing and can be found in many garments.
When I saw this blazer in choies not me think twice and came home. I see that is a very versatile garment and can give a chic twist that needs a look.
This time I combined following palette of browns and think it is a very fine and elegant combination, but I have thought other combinations that may look great, very soon will I teach them.
Choies (New)
Falda: Zara
¿Qué os ha parecido la combinación? ¿Os gusta este
Bueno familia, el que este de vacaciones que siga
disfrutando y el que las vaya a coger como yo,
animo y fuerza para vivirlas a tope.
Un besazo y hasta mañana.
What do you think of the combination? You like this pattern?
Good family, this holiday you continue to enjoy and that will catch like me encouragement and strength to live them to the fullest.
Big kiss and tomorrow.
Good family, this holiday you continue to enjoy and that will catch like me encouragement and strength to live them to the fullest.
Big kiss and tomorrow.
- 21:48:00