pronto se pasa lo bueno? Esta finde se me ha pasado volando. El sábado estuve
en la peluquería y de compras, y el domingo a limpiar, preparar clases y demás
cosas de la casa. Y hoy, otra vez a trabajar.
instagram muchas de vosotras ya habéis visto mi nuevo color de pelo, y aunque a
todas os ha gustado, a mi no me ha terminado de convencer, ya que me veo muy
oscura,y creo que me he echado unos años de más, estoy pensando en volver mañana a la pelu para aclarar un poco. lo único positivo es que es un baño de color y con el lavado se me irá
aclarando. Os dejo una imagen con el antes y el ahora. ¿Qué os parece?
Good morning!
How soon is going good? This weekend has flown by. On Saturday I was at the hairdressers and shopping, and Sunday to clean, prepare classes and other things around the house. And now, back to work.
How soon is going good? This weekend has flown by. On Saturday I was at the hairdressers and shopping, and Sunday to clean, prepare classes and other things around the house. And now, back to work.
By instagram many of you have you seen my new hair color, and although all you liked, to me it is not over convinced me, and I look very dark, the only positive is that it is a color bath and washing will become clearer to me. I imagine that every day I'll also be doing my new image. I leave a picture with him before and now. What do you think?
look de hoy es otra de las camisa que compre en Zara kids en la rebajas,
ahora está a 7,99 eur. A la hora de combinarla no me he complicada mucho la
cabeza. He creado un conjunto todo en azul y rojo, siguiendo la tonalidad de la
camisa, pienso que son dos colores que juntos quedan perfectos.
The look today is another shirt shop at Zara kids on sale, is now 7,99 eur. When I combine me much uncomplicated head. I created a set all in blue and red, following the hue of the shirt, I think they are two colors that are perfect together.
Camisa: Zara Kids
Zapatos: Zara. Similar
Blazer: Zara. Similar
Falda: Zara. Similar
Collar: Suiteblanco
Cinturón: Primark
os ha parecido el look? ¿Os gusta esta combinación de colores? y la camisa ¿os gusta?
¿Como la combinaríais vosotras?
deseo un feliz lunes y que se os pase muy rápido.
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you think of the look? Do you like this color combination? and shirt do you like? How is you blend them?
I wish you a happy Monday and that I will pass very quickly.
A kiss and tomorrow
I wish you a happy Monday and that I will pass very quickly.
A kiss and tomorrow
- 7:12:00