días guap@s!!!
maravilla es subir un post sin la presión de arreglar a Mateo, darle de
desayunar, arreglarme yo, llevarlo a la guarde e irme yo a trabajar. Me
encantan los sábados para hacer un montón de cosas pero sin presiones y de una
manera más tranquila, que empezaré hacer después de colgar este post ;)))
os dije ayer los sábados voy a mostraros los look que yo utilizo en mi día a
día, para ir a trabajar al cole. Todos estos look que hoy os muestro están
colgados en instagram, pero como mucha de la gente que me seguís por el blog no
me seguís por instagram, pensé que sería una buena idea mostrároslos para que
así lo pudieseis ver todo el mundo.
look que utilizo para el día a día son muy cómodos, el calzado casi siempre
es plano o con muy poco tacón. Me gusta ir bien arreglada al cole, ya que
trabajo cara al público, además a mis alumn@s les encanta y siempre se quedan
mirando en las prendas que llevo.
Good morning interesting!
How wonderful it is to upload a post without the pressure to solve Mateo, give breakfast, fix it, take it to the store and go to work. I love Saturdays to do a lot of things but without pressure and a quieter way, I'll start doing after hanging this post;)))
As I said yesterday on Saturdays will show you the look I use in my day to day, to go to work to school. All these look today I show are posted on instagram, but like many of the people who follow me do not follow me blog for instagram, I thought it would be a good idea mostrároslos so that you could see it everywhere.
The look that I use for day to day are very comfortable shoes is almost always flat or with very little heel. I like to go to school well groomed, as I work with the public, in addition to my students love it and always stare at the clothes I wear.
How wonderful it is to upload a post without the pressure to solve Mateo, give breakfast, fix it, take it to the store and go to work. I love Saturdays to do a lot of things but without pressure and a quieter way, I'll start doing after hanging this post;)))
As I said yesterday on Saturdays will show you the look I use in my day to day, to go to work to school. All these look today I show are posted on instagram, but like many of the people who follow me do not follow me blog for instagram, I thought it would be a good idea mostrároslos so that you could see it everywhere.
The look that I use for day to day are very comfortable shoes is almost always flat or with very little heel. I like to go to school well groomed, as I work with the public, in addition to my students love it and always stare at the clothes I wear.
soléis ir vosotr@s en vuestro día a día?
Me podéis seguir por instagram
paséis un feliz fin de semana, que descanséis y disfrutéis de los placeres del
fin de semana ;))
besazo y el lunes nos vemos.
How do you usually get you in your day to day?
You can follow me on instagram @ unvestidorconideas
You'll have a happy weekend, that you may rest and enjoy the delights of the weekend;))
A big kiss and see you on Monday.
You can follow me on instagram @ unvestidorconideas
You'll have a happy weekend, that you may rest and enjoy the delights of the weekend;))
A big kiss and see you on Monday.
- 8:32:00