El sábado pasado fue muy productivo para Silvia y para mi, y
además de visitar las tiendas que ayer os mostré, también nos dio tiempo para
visitar el centro comercial Puerto Venecia (que Silvia no lo conocía) y de
comprarnos alguna cosita.
Una de las compras fue este vestido que hoy os muestro. Nos
gusto mucho a primera vista y le vimos muchas posibilidades tanto para este
tiempo veraniego que tenemos, como para el duro invierno que no sé cuándo
llegará (yo soy feliz con este tiempo). Por eso nos lo compramos las dos igual
y decidimos hacer un post con el mismo vestido pero cada una combinándolo a su
En esta primera combinación las dos hemos optado por un
outfit cómodo y adaptado al tiempo que tenemos en ese momento, porque las fotos
las hicimos el domingo y hacia un día de verano.
Esta ha sido mi combinación de esta semana, la semana que
viene os mostraremos otras. Cuando terminéis de ver mi outfit podéis pasar a ver el de Silvia Aquí.
Last Saturday was very productive for Silvia and me, and also visit the shops that I showed you yesterday, also gave us time to visit the Puerto Venecia shopping (Silvia did not know) and buy a little something.
One of the purchases was this dress that I show today. We like much at first glance and saw many possibilities for both this summer weather we have, and the hard winter I do not know when it will arrive (I am happy with this time). So we both equally bought and decided to make a post with the same dress but each combining your style.
This first combination the two we have chosen a comfortable outfit and adapted to the time we have on this point, because the photos were made on Sunday and into a summer day.
This has been my mix this week, next week we will show others. When you finish watching my outfit you can go to see the Silvia here.
Last Saturday was very productive for Silvia and me, and also visit the shops that I showed you yesterday, also gave us time to visit the Puerto Venecia shopping (Silvia did not know) and buy a little something.
One of the purchases was this dress that I show today. We like much at first glance and saw many possibilities for both this summer weather we have, and the hard winter I do not know when it will arrive (I am happy with this time). So we both equally bought and decided to make a post with the same dress but each combining your style.
This first combination the two we have chosen a comfortable outfit and adapted to the time we have on this point, because the photos were made on Sunday and into a summer day.
This has been my mix this week, next week we will show others. When you finish watching my outfit you can go to see the Silvia here.
Vestido: Primark
Zapatos: Zara
Bolso: Primark
Collar: Zara
Pulseras: Lotus y Arena
Blazer: Zara
¿Qué os ha parecido? ¿Os gusta el vestido? ¿Os gusta la
Si os ha gustado el vestido no perdáis el tiempo y acercaros
al Primark más cercano por que el vestido es de allí, y además está al 50%. En el primark de Zaragoza quedaban bastantes y de diferentes tallas. ¿No
os parece perfecto para este tiempo y además una ganga?
Espero que os haya gustado este tipo de post. La semana que
viene os mostraremos otra combinación en otro estilo posible para este vestido.
Mil gracias por las visitas y comentarios.
Un besazo y hasta mañana.
What will he think? Do you like the dress? Do you like the combination?
If you liked the dress do not waste time and bring you closer because the dress is there, and it is at 50% at Primark. In Zaragoza primark and were quite different sizes. Does not it seem perfect for this time and also a bargain?
I hope you have enjoyed this kind of post. Next week we will show another combination in another possible style for this dress.
Thanks for the visits and comments.
Big kiss and tomorrow.
Un besazo y hasta mañana.
What will he think? Do you like the dress? Do you like the combination?
If you liked the dress do not waste time and bring you closer because the dress is there, and it is at 50% at Primark. In Zaragoza primark and were quite different sizes. Does not it seem perfect for this time and also a bargain?
I hope you have enjoyed this kind of post. Next week we will show another combination in another possible style for this dress.
Thanks for the visits and comments.
Big kiss and tomorrow.
- 22:10:00