os quería hablar sobre como adaptamos las tendencias a nuestro armario.
temporada tenemos unas tendencias, algunas perduran, pero otras van
desapareciendo paulatinamente.
esto, la cuestión no es comprar toda ropa de nueva temporada siguiendo las
tendencias, si no lo que tenemos que hacer , o lo que yo hago es actualizar la ropa del invierno pasado con toques
de la nueva temporada, ya que las tendencias no son demasiado marcadas y se
mantienen durante dos o tres temporadas. Luego tendremos que eliminar prendas
que estén desfasadas y aportar unos nuevos complementos o combinaciones a las
prendas que tenemos de otras temporadas.
mismo es lo que yo he hecho con este look. Todas las prendas menos la camiseta
son de temporadas pasadas, y la camiseta de esta temporada con la tendencia del
Crop top y camiseta Beisbolera. He adaptado esta tendencia a ropa que ya tenía.
Good morning!
Today I wanted to talk about how to adapt our wardrobe trends.
Each season we have some trends, some remain, but others gradually disappear.
Therefore, the question is not buying new clothes every season following the trends, if not we have to do, or what I do is upgrade last winter clothing with touches of the new season, as the trends are not too marked and maintained for two or three seasons. Then we have to remove items that are outdated and provide some new supplements or combinations of garments we have in other seasons.
That is exactly what I have done with this look. All items unless the shirt are from previous seasons, and this season's shirt trend Beisbolera Crop top and t-shirt. I adapted this trend clothes I already had.
Today I wanted to talk about how to adapt our wardrobe trends.
Each season we have some trends, some remain, but others gradually disappear.
Therefore, the question is not buying new clothes every season following the trends, if not we have to do, or what I do is upgrade last winter clothing with touches of the new season, as the trends are not too marked and maintained for two or three seasons. Then we have to remove items that are outdated and provide some new supplements or combinations of garments we have in other seasons.
That is exactly what I have done with this look. All items unless the shirt are from previous seasons, and this season's shirt trend Beisbolera Crop top and t-shirt. I adapted this trend clothes I already had.
Camiseta: Primark
(Nueva temporada)
Pantalón, zapatos y cazadora:
Zara (Otra temporada)
¿Qué os parece el resultado?
¿Como adaptáis vuestro armario a las nuevas tendencias? ¿Compráis todo de nueva
temporada o vais adaptando?
Espero vuestros comentarios.
No os perdáis mañana en las
compras de la semana una nueva tienda recién inaugurada, en la cual nos vamos a
ir de compras, ¡Os va a encantar!
How about the result? How adaptáis your wardrobe to new trends? You buy everything new? Season or will you adapt?
I hope your comments.
Do not miss tomorrow's weekly shopping recently opened a new store, where we go shopping, I'll love it!
I hope your comments.
Do not miss tomorrow's weekly shopping recently opened a new store, where we go shopping, I'll love it!
Un besito y hasta mañana/
A kiss and tomorrow
A kiss and tomorrow
- 7:11:00