Terminamos una semana y comenzamos otra más cotita para mí,
porque como son las fiestas del Pilar,
el viernes tengo fiestas!!!
El look de hoy es un outfit que según como lo combinemos
puede servir para salir de noche un poco más arreglada (como hoy), o un look
más casual, para día, combinándolo con unas slippers en print leopardo ,que dan un toque más
desenfadado, (esta opción me la puse el sábado para poder disfrutar del día).
Como veís es una combinación muy básica, camisa blanca
con manga japonesa, falda de volantes y zapatos de salón, pero lo que lo que le
da el toque "Chic" a este look es el bolso “Bogue”. Fue una adquisición en un
mercadillo de la playa, y me pareció súper original. Sé que a muchas de
vosotras os ha gustado, por que el sábado por instagram lo pudisteis ver, por
eso os he buscado donde lo podéis conseguir y os dejo el enlace abajo.
Ended a week and a shorter start for me, because they are the Fiestas del Pilar, on Friday I party !!!
The look of today is an outfit that according as it may serve to combine nightlife a little more arranged (like today), or a more casual look for day, combined with a leopard print slippers on, which give a more casual touch (I put this option on Saturday to enjoy the day).
As you see it is a very basic combination, white shirt with cap sleeves, ruffled skirt and leather pumps, but what gives you the touch "Chic" look this is the bag "Bogue". It was a purchase in a bazaar of the beach, and I found the original super. I know that many of you will think, on that Saturday instagram what ye could see, so I have searched where you can get and I leave the link below.
The look of today is an outfit that according as it may serve to combine nightlife a little more arranged (like today), or a more casual look for day, combined with a leopard print slippers on, which give a more casual touch (I put this option on Saturday to enjoy the day).
As you see it is a very basic combination, white shirt with cap sleeves, ruffled skirt and leather pumps, but what gives you the touch "Chic" look this is the bag "Bogue". It was a purchase in a bazaar of the beach, and I found the original super. I know that many of you will think, on that Saturday instagram what ye could see, so I have searched where you can get and I leave the link below.
Falda: Zara (rebajas)
Camisa: H&M
Salones: Zara (Rebajas)
Collar: Regalo de cumple de mi hermano.
¿Qué os ha parecido el look? ¿Y el bolso? ¿Os gusta? ¿Os
parece original como a mi?
Deseo que empecéis una feliz semana y mañana nos volvemos a
What do you think of the look? And the bag? You like? Does it seem original as me?
I wish that you begin a happy week and we meet again tomorrow.
I wish that you begin a happy week and we meet again tomorrow.
- 21:42:00