que me seguís por Instagram ya sabréis que ayer estuve en Zaragoza en la peluquería
y aproveche para estrenar este maravilloso vestido de Blackfive de
nueva temporada.
la primera vez que compraba en esta página y os puedo asegurar que la calidad/precio esta genial, lo único,
que las prendas (por lo menos las que he
comprado yo) dan bastante talla. El vestido es una XS y no me quedaba
justo, sino que aun me sobraba, y gracias al cinturón pude disimularlo.
vestido tiene muchas combinaciones, pero elegí las más fácil y cómoda para mí.
Zapatos, bolso, cinturón y complementos en tonos marrones. Aunque en las
fotos no se ve el calzado, llevaba unas cuñas en tonos marrones de Zara
(hicimos las fotos rápido y no nos fijamos en sacar el calzado, porque lo que
nos interesaba era el vestido).
próximas ocasiones os enseñare otras combinaciones posibles, ya que según como
lo combinemos podemos dar estilos diferentes, aunque siempre perdurará la
dulzura del look por su tonalidad y estampado.
Those who follow me on Instagram you already know that yesterday was in Zaragoza at the salon and take to release this wonderful dress blackfive new season.
It was the first time I bought on this page and I can assure you that the quality / price is great, the only, the clothes (at least the ones I've bought) give enough size. The dress is an XS and it was not just me, but I still had plenty, thanks to the belt could hide.
This dress has many combinations, but I chose the easy and comfortable for me. Shoes, bag, belt and accessories in brown tones. Although not seen in the photos shoes, wearing wedges in brown tones Zara (we made quick pictures and we do not look to get the shoes, because what we wanted was the dress).
On future occasions I'll show other possible combinations, since according as we can to combine different styles, but always look endure the sweetness of his tone and pattern.
It was the first time I bought on this page and I can assure you that the quality / price is great, the only, the clothes (at least the ones I've bought) give enough size. The dress is an XS and it was not just me, but I still had plenty, thanks to the belt could hide.
This dress has many combinations, but I chose the easy and comfortable for me. Shoes, bag, belt and accessories in brown tones. Although not seen in the photos shoes, wearing wedges in brown tones Zara (we made quick pictures and we do not look to get the shoes, because what we wanted was the dress).
On future occasions I'll show other possible combinations, since according as we can to combine different styles, but always look endure the sweetness of his tone and pattern.
Vestido: Blackfive
Cinturón: Primark
Cuñas: Zara
Bolso: Parfois
Puseras: Lotus
Anillo: Tous
os ha parecido el vestido? ¿Conocías la página Blackfive? ¿Habéis comprado
alguna vez allí?
como no, mis amigos de Goloka (Dani y Laura), volvieron a dejarme perfecta
para poder empezar las fiestas de mí pueblo que comienzan el sábado.
mejor combinación que: BLACKFIVE + GOLOKA . Un resultado de 10 ;)))
What do you think of the dress? ¿You knew the blackfive page? Have you ever bought there?
And of course, my friends Goloka (Dani and Laura), again perfect for me to start the festivities of my people that start on Saturday.
And of course, my friends Goloka (Dani and Laura), again perfect for me to start the festivities of my people that start on Saturday.
What better combination: blackfive + GOLOKA. A score of 10;)))
besazo y nos volvemos a ver mañana
- 0:01:00