días Precios@s!!
habéis pasado el último fin de semana del año? , Yo lo he pasado de una de las
peores maneras posibles, he estado en la cama desde el viernes y aún sigo en
ella, aunque espero y deseo que pueda estar bien para mañana, porque tengo que
preparar la cena y tengo invitados.
ya sabéis hemos abandonado el otoño y desde hace unos días ya estamos
oficialmente en invierno. Este año estamos de suerte ya que las prendas peludas
se llevan muchísimo y nos protegen mucho del frio ya que son súper calentitas
¿Os gustan las prendas peludas?
os enseño un jersey peludo que me
regalaron mis alumnos por Navidad, es súper calentito y me encanta como queda.
Les doy las gracias desde aquí porque sé que alguna mama me sigue.
Hello Prices @ s!
How have you spent the last weekend of the year? , I've gone from one of the worst possible ways, I've been in bed since Friday and I'm still in it, but I hope and wish that may be fine for tomorrow, because I have to cook dinner and have guests.
How have you spent the last weekend of the year? , I've gone from one of the worst possible ways, I've been in bed since Friday and I'm still in it, but I hope and wish that may be fine for tomorrow, because I have to cook dinner and have guests.
As you know we have abandoned the fall and for some days and we are officially in winter. This year we are lucky because the hairy clothing is much we carry and protect us from the cold much as they are very toasty Do you like hairy clothes?
Today I'm a furry sweater that my students gave me for Christmas, it's very warm and I love it as is. I thank you from here because I know some mom follows me.
Jersey: Tienda Local (TELKA)
Falda, abrigo y mocasiones: Zara
Bolso y sombrero: Parfois
ha gustado como lo he combinado? ¿Os gustan este tipo de prendas para el
os ha gustado el jersey, no os perdáis el post de mañana ya que os mostraré jerséis
como el que hoy os enseño a un precio muy económico y creo que os van a
besito y hasta mañana
Do you think as I have combined? Do you like this type of clothing for the winter?
If you have you liked the sweater, do not miss tomorrow's post because it will show jumpers as today I taught at a very affordable price and I think you will love.
happy Day
If you have you liked the sweater, do not miss tomorrow's post because it will show jumpers as today I taught at a very affordable price and I think you will love.
happy Day
A kiss and tomorrow
- 8:48:00