ha ido el fin de semana?, yo bastante relajado, no hemos hecho mucho limpiar,
descansar y pasear.
por la mañana salimos a dar un paseo y a la hora de arreglarme el pelo no me veía
con nada, y me acorde que había visto en el blog de Priscila My showroom, que nos
enseñaba como hacernos y ponernos un turbante, y me falto tiempo para ponerme
manos a la obra, y este fue el resultado.
que es un complemento que puede dar un toque al look, nos puede solucionar
problemas a la hora de no saber cómo peinarnos, y de cara el frío nos puede
servir de gorrito y abrigarnos la cabeza, ¿no os parece?
Good morning!
How was your weekend?, I quite relaxed, we have not done much to clean, rest and walk.
Yesterday morning we went for a walk and when I do my hair looked with nothing, and I remembered I had seen on the blog My showroom Priscila, who taught us how to make us and get a turban, and I miss time to get down to work, and this was the result.
I see it is a supplement that can give a hint to the look, we can solve problems when not knowing how to comb our hair, and cold face can serve as a head cap and shelter us, do not you think?
How was your weekend?, I quite relaxed, we have not done much to clean, rest and walk.
Yesterday morning we went for a walk and when I do my hair looked with nothing, and I remembered I had seen on the blog My showroom Priscila, who taught us how to make us and get a turban, and I miss time to get down to work, and this was the result.
I see it is a supplement that can give a hint to the look, we can solve problems when not knowing how to comb our hair, and cold face can serve as a head cap and shelter us, do not you think?
Pantalón: Zara P/V 2013
Sudadera: Zara P/V 2013
Pañuelo y colgante: Dayaday (Otra temporada)
Bolso: Zara (otra temporada)
Zapatos : Stradivarius (otra temporada)
os ha parecido el look con el turbante? ¿Os habéis puesto alguna vez este tipo
de complementos?
creo que no va a ser la última vez que me veáis con uno de ellos, ya que me ha
gustado y creo que es un complemento que me puede sacar de diferentes apuros
vuestros comentarios.
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you think of the look with the turban? Have you ever put this upgrade?
I think it will not be the last time you see me with one of them, and I liked and I think it's a supplement that I can draw from different trouble;))
I hope your comments.
A kiss and tomorrow.
I think it will not be the last time you see me with one of them, and I liked and I think it's a supplement that I can draw from different trouble;))
I hope your comments.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:10:00