curso finalizado. Que rápido pasa el tiempo, además este fin de curso es
bastante emotivo para mí porque me despido de mis alumnos después de 5 años (tres
años de ed. Infanitl y 3º y 4º de primaria), se les coge muchísimo cariño tanto
a ellos como a las familias, ya que pasas muchos momentos buenos y malos, pero
siempre hay que quedarse con lo positivo. La semana que viene ya solo vamos a
trabajar los profes para el papeleo, por eso estaré un poco más relajada.
cada viernes nos vamos de comprar, y esta semana me apetecía buscar algún
vestido blanco que fuese un poco especial y diferente. En el armario de una
mujer nunca puede faltar un vestido blanco para el verano, son muy
favorecedores y perfectos para este época del año.
tres vestidos que os muestro son de Sheinside, y los he elegido por su
originalidad y el diseño que tienen, ya que salen un poco de lo normal.
dejo el enlace para que vayáis directamente a ellos
Another course ended. How quickly time passes, well this Prom is quite emotional for me because I say goodbye to my students after 5 years (three years of ed. Infanitl and 3rd and 4th grade), they gets a lot of love to them and families, and you spend many good and bad times, but you always have to keep positive. Next week will only work as the teachers for paperwork, so I'll be a little more relaxed.
Like every Friday we go to buy, and this week we wanted to find me a white dress that was a bit special and different. In the wardrobe of a woman can never miss a white dress for summer, they are very flattering and perfect for this time of year.
The three dresses that I show are Sheinside, and have chosen for their originality and design that have since come a little normal.
I leave the link for you to go directly to them
Like every Friday we go to buy, and this week we wanted to find me a white dress that was a bit special and different. In the wardrobe of a woman can never miss a white dress for summer, they are very flattering and perfect for this time of year.
The three dresses that I show are Sheinside, and have chosen for their originality and design that have since come a little normal.
I leave the link for you to go directly to them
os parecen? ¿Tenéis vuestro vestido blanco para este verano? ¿Os gustan los
vestidos blancos?
terminar, no podía pasar sin enseñaros estos zapatos de Uterque que me
parecieron maravillosos, solo con este complemento podemos crear un look
perfecto, no necesitamos nada más ¿No os parece? Estos van a mi lista de las
rebajas ;)))
What do you think? Do you have your white dress for this summer? Do you like white dresses?
Finally, I could not do without these shoes Uterque teach that seemed wonderful, this add only we can create the perfect look, we need nothing more Do not you think? These are my list of discounts;)))
Finally, I could not do without these shoes Uterque teach that seemed wonderful, this add only we can create the perfect look, we need nothing more Do not you think? These are my list of discounts;)))
mañana nos vamos a nuestra segunda boda del año. Si no queréis perderos nada, Podéis
seguirme por instagram.
deseo un feliz fin de semana y el lunes nos volvemos a ver.
besazo y hasta el lunes.
Tomorrow we go to our second wedding of the year. If you do not want to lose you all, Can you follow me on instagram.
I wish you a happy weekend and Monday we return to see.
Big kiss to Monday.
I wish you a happy weekend and Monday we return to see.
Big kiss to Monday.
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