Para terminar esta semana dedicada a las tendencias para la
temporada de otoño/invierno 2014/15, os propongo como compras de la semana una
prenda que año tras año para estas fechas sigue en tendencia y sigue siendo un “Must Have”
Os hablo de las “Trench o gabardinas”. Seguro que todas tenéis
una en vuestro armario y os la soléis poner para el otoño y primavera. Yo tengo la mía
pero tengo que jubilarla, y buscando una, he encontrado estas preciosidades. Seguro que
alguna estáis en la misma situación que yo, y os ayuda a encontrar la Trench o
gabardina perfecta.
To end this week dedicated to the trends for autumn / winter 2014/15, I will propose as purchasing an item of the week year after year by this time trend and still remains a "Must Have"
I speak of the "Trench or trench coats." Sure you all have one in your closet and you are accustomed to put the fall and spring. I have mine but I have to retire her, and seeking, I found these beauties. Sure some are in the same situation as me, and helps you find the perfect Trench or raincoat.
To end this week dedicated to the trends for autumn / winter 2014/15, I will propose as purchasing an item of the week year after year by this time trend and still remains a "Must Have"
I speak of the "Trench or trench coats." Sure you all have one in your closet and you are accustomed to put the fall and spring. I have mine but I have to retire her, and seeking, I found these beauties. Sure some are in the same situation as me, and helps you find the perfect Trench or raincoat.
Topos y Gabardina
Otra compra que os propongo son zapatos. Soy una apasionada
de ellos(sé que no soy la única). Como esa temporada están en tendencia los "Blucher", estas son mis
Another purchase that I propose are shoes. I am passionate about them (I know I'm not the only one). As this season they are trending the "Blucher", these are my suggestions:
Another purchase that I propose are shoes. I am passionate about them (I know I'm not the only one). As this season they are trending the "Blucher", these are my suggestions:
Espero que os hayan gustado las propuestas de esta semana. A
disfrutar del fin de semana y el lunes nos volvemos a ver.
Un besazo.
I hope you have enjoyed this week's proposals. To enjoy the weekend and on Monday, we meet again.
A big kiss.
A big kiss.
- 22:57:00