a San Viernes. Que ganas tenia de que llegase este día para poder descansar,
necesito tomarme este finde de relax total.
en las compras de la semana os voy a mostrar prendas de la marca Pepa Loves.
Me imagino que todas vosotras la conoceréis, y he pensado que era un buen
momento para pasarnos por su web y adquirir las últimas compras de las rebajas,
que podremos utilizar esta primavera, ya que son prendas con los colores en
tendencia para la temporada que viene.
las prendas nos cuestan 19,90 eur, top, vestidos y faldas en colores pasteles y amarillo. Creo que nos podemos hacer con prendas que
las encontramos en tienda de nueva temporada, y comprando estas, nos podemos
ahorrar dinero.
Debajo de cada imagen tenéis el enlace que os lleva directamente a la prenda.
Good morning!
Welcome to San Friday. That desire had that came this day to rest, I need to take this weekend of total relaxation.
These purchases of the week I am going to show brand garments Pepa Loves. I guess all of you perceive it, and I thought it was a good time to swing by their website and buy the latest shopping discounts, we can use this spring, as are clothes with colors on trend for next season .
All items cost us 19,90 eur, top, dresses and skirts in pastels and yellow. I think we can do with clothes that are in store new season, and buying these, we can save money.
Below each image is the link that takes you directly to the garment.
Welcome to San Friday. That desire had that came this day to rest, I need to take this weekend of total relaxation.
These purchases of the week I am going to show brand garments Pepa Loves. I guess all of you perceive it, and I thought it was a good time to swing by their website and buy the latest shopping discounts, we can use this spring, as are clothes with colors on trend for next season .
All items cost us 19,90 eur, top, dresses and skirts in pastels and yellow. I think we can do with clothes that are in store new season, and buying these, we can save money.
Below each image is the link that takes you directly to the garment.
os ha parecido? ¿Os gusta esta marca? ¿Os vais a animar a adquirir alguna de
deseo un empiece de fin de semana genial.
besazo y hasta mañana.
What do you think? Do you like this brand? Do you encourage going to buy any of them?
I wish you a weekend starts great.
A big kiss and tomorrow.
I wish you a weekend starts great.
A big kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:12:00