con los consejos para tener bien organizados los complementos. Hoy es el turno
de los cinturones.
sé a vosotras, pero a mí se me empezaron a acumular los cinturones, ya que vas
comprando de todos los colores y formas, y llega un momento en el que no sabes cómo
guardarlos para saber los que tienes.
Yo los tengo organizados de dos maneras
diferentes. Los más pequeños
y los que más utilizo en un colgador,
que luego os enseño, y los más grandes y anchos, y lo que no me suelo poner a
menudo los guardo en una cajonera.
los armarios siempre tenemos espacios muertos que no utilizamos, por ejemplo la
parte de abajo de un compartimento de un armario de colgar abrigos. Ese espacio
muerto de mi armario, tome las medidas y me compre una cajonera de esas
medidas. Lo pinte del mismo color que mi armario y lo metí dentro del armario.
lo compre en Leroy Merlín Cajonera esta:
Good morning!
We followed the advice to have well organized accessories. Today is the turn of the belts.
Do not know you, but I was I began accumulating belts because you're buying in all colors and shapes, and there comes a time when you do not know how to save them to know who you are.
I have them organized in two different ways. Smaller and more I use on a hanger, then I teach, and the larger and wider, and does not usually put me often keep them in a drawer.
In the cabinets always have dead spaces that do not use, for example the bottom of a closet compartment hanging coats. That dead space of my closet, take action and bought a chest of these measures. Paint it the same color as my closet and put it in the closet.
I bought it in Leroy Merlin Drawer this:
We followed the advice to have well organized accessories. Today is the turn of the belts.
Do not know you, but I was I began accumulating belts because you're buying in all colors and shapes, and there comes a time when you do not know how to save them to know who you are.
I have them organized in two different ways. Smaller and more I use on a hanger, then I teach, and the larger and wider, and does not usually put me often keep them in a drawer.
In the cabinets always have dead spaces that do not use, for example the bottom of a closet compartment hanging coats. That dead space of my closet, take action and bought a chest of these measures. Paint it the same color as my closet and put it in the closet.
I bought it in Leroy Merlin Drawer this:
colgador para el armario lo compre en el Ikea, pero creo que lo venden en muchísimas tiendas más, creo que
son muy prácticos y ocupan muy poco espacio.
es como me queda la organización de los cinturones
The closet hanger buy it at Ikea, but I think they sell it in many more stores, I think they are very practical and take up very little space.
Here's how I left the organization belts
Here's how I left the organization belts
os parece? ¿Creéis que es práctica? ¿Como los organizáis vosotras?
semana que viene, ultimo post sobre la organización de complementos, los bolsos
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you think? Do you think that is practical? How are you organize yourselves?
Next week, the last post on the organization of accessories, small handbags.
A kiss and tomorrow.
Next week, the last post on the organization of accessories, small handbags.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:09:00