ha ido el fin de semana? ¿Pasado por agua? Por aquí si, ya tengo ganas de que
haga un fin de semana bueno para poderlo disfrutar de otra manera.
Me imagino que muchas de vosotras si, pues hoy os enseño una sudadera que me
llego el jueves a casa. Las que me seguís por instagram ya la visteis. No tarde
en estrenarla, al día siguiente se vino conmigo al cole.
El estampado, el color y el corte de la sudadera es precioso, además es súper calentita y favorecedora. He mirado el
enlace para ponéroslo por si la queríais comprar y está fuera de Stock. Ha
debido tener mucho éxito, ¿La habías visto por la blogosfera? ¿O alguna de
vosotras la tenéis?
How was your weekend? I have wanted to make a good weekend so you can enjoy otherwise.
Do you know Sammydress? I imagine many of you if, as today I taught a sweatshirt that I came home on Thursday. Those who follow me on instagram and you saw. No late premiere, the next day he came with me to school.
The print, color and cut of the sweatshirt is beautiful, plus it's super warm and flattering. I have looked for the link to ponéroslo if You wanted to buy and is out of Stock. It had to be very successful, Did you saw the blogosphere? Or any of you's got?
How was your weekend? I have wanted to make a good weekend so you can enjoy otherwise.
Do you know Sammydress? I imagine many of you if, as today I taught a sweatshirt that I came home on Thursday. Those who follow me on instagram and you saw. No late premiere, the next day he came with me to school.
The print, color and cut of the sweatshirt is beautiful, plus it's super warm and flattering. I have looked for the link to ponéroslo if You wanted to buy and is out of Stock. It had to be very successful, Did you saw the blogosphere? Or any of you's got?
Camisa: Stradivarius (Nueva temporada)
Pantalón: Zara
Botines y collar: Zara (Rebajas)
Sombrero: Parfois
esta sudadera no este, en Sammydress podréis encontrar multitud de prendas
(Vestido, faldas, sudaderas, camisas...) a un precio que no se puede competir,
además os puedo asegurar que la calidad está muy bien, calidad-precio es perfecta.
dejo el enlace para que vayáis a visitarla SAMMYDRESS.
deseo un feliz lunes.
besito y hasta mañana.
Although this sweatshirt not this, in Sammydress can find plenty of clothes (dress, skirts, sweatshirts, ...) to price you can not compete, you can also ensure that the quality is fine Value is perfect .
I leave the link so that you go there to visit her SAMMYDRESS.
I wish you a Happy Mondays.
A kiss and tomorrow
- 7:04:00