este tipo de post me encanta, porque de esta manera vemos diferentes formas e
ideas que tienen otras personas en combinar una misma prenda.
la colaboración de dos amigas blogueras, que tienen un estilazo que no se puede
aguantar, Adriana del blog Fashion avenue y Mónica del blog El blog de
Mónica, os vamos a dar ideas para que combinéis esa falda de
diferentes estilos y maneras.
Making this kind of post I love, because this way we see different forms and ideas with others in combining the same garment.
The skirt, and many of you know or have, leatherette skirt zara wheel.
With the collaboration of two blogger friends, having a estilazo you can not endure, Adriana avenue and Fashion Blog blog Monica Monica's blog, I will give ideas for that skirt combinéis different styles and ways.
Making this kind of post I love, because this way we see different forms and ideas with others in combining the same garment.
The skirt, and many of you know or have, leatherette skirt zara wheel.
With the collaboration of two blogger friends, having a estilazo you can not endure, Adriana avenue and Fashion Blog blog Monica Monica's blog, I will give ideas for that skirt combinéis different styles and ways.
¿Qué os han parecido las combinaciones? ¿Os gusta
este tipo de post?
besazo muy grande a Adriana y Mónica, a ver si algún día nos conocemos en
vosotr@s otra besazo y mañana nos volvemos a ver.
What do you have like combinations? You like this kind of post?
A big Adriana and Monica, to see if one day we meet in person besazo.
For you @ s another kiss and we turn to see tomorrow.
What do you have like combinations? You like this kind of post?
A big Adriana and Monica, to see if one day we meet in person besazo.
For you @ s another kiss and we turn to see tomorrow.
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