no queda nada para el fin de semana, además se presenta con bastante calor,
nosotros nos vamos a pasarlo a Madrid, tengo muchas ganas.
os dije el lunes, llevo casi dos semanas con una tendinitis en el pie, y me está
fastidiando bastante, me molesta, se me hincha y además no puedo llevar nada de
tacón, y yo para estas fechas del año me encanta ir con mis cuñas, pero este
año ni cuñas, ni tacones, ni nada, zapato plano plano.
domingo para dar un paseo me apetecía ponerme este vestido de encaje, el
problema era que calzado ponerme porque nada de lo que ponía me gustaba. Al
final opte por mis nuevas alpargatas de esparto, las cuales le dan un toque muy
desenfadado y distinto al vestido.
There is nothing left for the weekend, also comes with quite hot, we're going to have to Madrid, I have really wanted.
As I said on Monday, took almost two weeks with tendinitis in his foot, and it's bugging me a lot, it bothers me, it swells me and also I can not take anything with heels, and for this time of year I love going with my wedges, but this year or wedges, or heels, or anything up flat shoe.
Sunday for a walk I wanted to wear this lace dress, the problem was that because shoes get put anything I liked. At the end chooses my new hemp sandals, which give a very casual and dress different touch.
As I said on Monday, took almost two weeks with tendinitis in his foot, and it's bugging me a lot, it bothers me, it swells me and also I can not take anything with heels, and for this time of year I love going with my wedges, but this year or wedges, or heels, or anything up flat shoe.
Sunday for a walk I wanted to wear this lace dress, the problem was that because shoes get put anything I liked. At the end chooses my new hemp sandals, which give a very casual and dress different touch.
os parece a vosotras? ¿Os gusta como queda la combinación de las dos prendas?
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you think about you? You like as is the combination of the two pieces?
A kiss and tomorrow.
What do you think about you? You like as is the combination of the two pieces?
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 23:04:00