Tengo un post preparado para la semana que viene con todas las tendencias que se van
a llevar esta nueva temporada, pero hoy
me voy a centrar en una de ellas “El estampado Leopard print”.
Es un estampado que te puede gustar mucho (como a mí) o lo puedes odiar, además
muchas chicas lo asocian a gente mayor. Creo que es un estampado que si lo
sabes combinar bien, puede quedar un look con mucho estilo y clase, pero si no
lo sabes combinar puede quedar look vulgar, por eso hay que tener cuidado y
vista a la hora de ponérnoslo.
Una opción muy fácil y básica a la hora de combinar este
estampado es hacerlo con el color blanco, con el siempre queda bien.
I have a post prepared with all the trends that are going to take this season, but today I will focus on one of them "The Leopard print print". It is a pattern that can be like a lot (like me) or you hate it, many girls also associate it with older people. I think it's a print that if you combine well know, can be a look with style and class, but you do not know can be combined vulgar look, so be careful.
A very easy and basic when combining this option is to print with white color, with always looks good.
I have a post prepared with all the trends that are going to take this season, but today I will focus on one of them "The Leopard print print". It is a pattern that can be like a lot (like me) or you hate it, many girls also associate it with older people. I think it's a print that if you combine well know, can be a look with style and class, but you do not know can be combined vulgar look, so be careful.
A very easy and basic when combining this option is to print with white color, with always looks good.
Camisa y zapatos: Zara
Short: H&M
Collar: Suiteblanco
Bolso: ¿?
¿Qué os ha parecido? ¿Os gusta este estampado? ¿y esta
Mañana os espero en la compras de la semana con una tienda
que os va a gustar mucho, no os la perdáis.
Un besazo y hasta mañana.
What will he think? You like this pattern? What about this trend?
Tomorrow I await the weekly shopping with a store that you will like a lot, not to be missed.
Big kiss and tomorrow
Tomorrow I await the weekly shopping with a store that you will like a lot, not to be missed.
Big kiss and tomorrow
- 22:02:00