Buenos días!!!
Ecuador de la semana, que pronto se me está pasando, además este sábado
tengo la última boda de este año, y tengo muchísimas ganas, porque no si sabréis
que me encantan y estaría cada fin de semana de boda jiji.
Hoy os traigo una boda muy especial y diferente a las que se celebran
normalmente, tanto por el lugar, decoración, invitados...etc.
Tengo que dar las gracias a mi hermana Paloma por pasarme las fotos, ya que
fue ella la que asistió a la boda de sus cuñados Vicente y Emilia.
La boda se celebro en Benasque (Pirineo Aragonés). Los novios no querían
hacer una boda formal con los trajes de novios (vestido blanco y traje),
ni querían cientos de invitados, y como ellos les encanta el deporte y la
montaña, y que mejor sitio para celebrar algo tan especial que un lugar que les
defina y les represente.
La boda se celebró en un Prado, debajo de un gran árbol, colocaron en forma
circular unos cuantos bancos vestidos con mantas del Ikea, y los novios se
colocaron en la zona debajo del árbol y a ambos lados la familia de cada
Good morning!
Ecuador a week, soon I'm going through, and this Saturday I have the last wedding of this year, and I have a great desire, because if you know that I love and would each wedding weekend hehe.
Today I bring a wedding very special and different to those normally held by both the location, decor, guests ... etc..
I have to thank my sister Paloma for lending me the pictures, as it was she who attended the wedding of his brothers Vincent and Emilia.
The wedding was held in Benasque (Aragonese Pyrenees). The couple did not want to make a formal wedding with wedding dresses (white dress and costume), nor wanted hundreds of guests, and how they love the sport and the mountains, and what better place to celebrate something so special that a place that define them and represent them.
The wedding was held in a meadow under a large tree, placed in a circle a few benches rugs Ikea clad, and grooms in the area were placed under the tree and on both sides of each family.
Ecuador a week, soon I'm going through, and this Saturday I have the last wedding of this year, and I have a great desire, because if you know that I love and would each wedding weekend hehe.
Today I bring a wedding very special and different to those normally held by both the location, decor, guests ... etc..
I have to thank my sister Paloma for lending me the pictures, as it was she who attended the wedding of his brothers Vincent and Emilia.
The wedding was held in Benasque (Aragonese Pyrenees). The couple did not want to make a formal wedding with wedding dresses (white dress and costume), nor wanted hundreds of guests, and how they love the sport and the mountains, and what better place to celebrate something so special that a place that define them and represent them.
The wedding was held in a meadow under a large tree, placed in a circle a few benches rugs Ikea clad, and grooms in the area were placed under the tree and on both sides of each family.
Como detalle de boda regalaron un árbol para plantar y unos jabones
naturales, ¿No os parecen muy original lo del árbol?
As wedding detail was given a tree to plant and a natural soaps, you not seem very original about the tree?
Ahora voy con el estilismo.
I'm going with the wedding outfits.
Mi hermana opto por un vestido largo con estampado de mariposas de Hoss Intropia escote en
pico (que favorece mucho) y anudado detrás del cuello. El calzado utilizo unas
cuñas de Pura López que tenia de hacia unas temporadas, y para darle un toque
diferente al look, utilizo el tocado de novia de su boda. Como ya sabéis que la
montaña siempre hace más fresquito se cogió una blazer en color verde botella
de Zara, la cual combinaba a la perfección.
My sister opted for a long dress with butterfly pattern, escort in peak (which favors long) and tied behind the neck. The use wedges shoes Pura Lopez tapeworm to a few seasons, and to give a different touch to the look, I use the bridal headdress your wedding. As you know that the mountain always makes it cooler grabbed a bottle green blazer from Zara, which combined perfectly.
¿Qué os parece la boda? ¿Os gustaría casaros en el campo? ¿Y los vestidos?
¿Los veis apropiados para la situación y el lugar?
Gracias por vuestras visitas y comentarios diarios.
Un besito y hasta mañana
What do you think the wedding? Would you like to marry in the field? What about the clothes? Do you see appropriate to the situation and place?
Thank you for your visits and comments daily.
A kiss and tomorrow
Thank you for your visits and comments daily.
A kiss and tomorrow
- 7:03:00