Superado el lunes, ya se ve la semana de otra manera, lo
malo es que llevo un catarrazo monumental y no sé por dónde va a salir, espero
que no sea nada grave y se pase pronto.
Con estos dos adjetivos “Dulce y Sofisticado” puedo
definir este look, no necesita muchas más palabras. Un look totalmente sencillo
creado con camiseta básica, falda midi (que le he cogido un poquito el doble
;)) y tacones; el toque de dulzura lo ponen los collares de lucepulsera, súper delicados y dulces.
Lucepulsera es una tienda online en donde podéis encontrar
multitud de complementos todos hechos a mano y con mucho amor. Marta es de Zaragoza y empezó hacer esto por
casualidad y ahora se ha convertido en su pasión y su vida, podéis ver que no se
le da nada mal, porque tiene cosas preciosas. Podéis seguirla por Instagram
(Aquí), Facebook (Aquí) y su página Web (aquí). Además no os perdáis las
rebajas que tiene.
Todas las prendas del look las podéis conseguir en rebajas,
os dejo los enlaces abajo.
Passed on Monday, as is the week otherwise the trouble is that carry a monumental catarrazo and do not know where to go, I hope it's nothing serious and soon pass.
With these two adjectives "Sweet and Sophisticated" I can define this look, you do not need thousands of other words. A simple look totally created with basic shirt, skirt midi (I've caught him a little twice;)) and heels; a touch of sweetness they put collars lucepulsera, super delicate and sweet.
Lucepulsera is an online store where you can find many accessories all made by hand and with love. Marta is Zaragoza and started doing this by accident and now has become his passion and his life, can see that it is not given too bad, because it has precious things. You can follow her on Instagram (Here), Facebook (here) and its website (here). Also do not miss the discounts you have.
All garments look ye can get on sale, I leave the links below.
With these two adjectives "Sweet and Sophisticated" I can define this look, you do not need thousands of other words. A simple look totally created with basic shirt, skirt midi (I've caught him a little twice;)) and heels; a touch of sweetness they put collars lucepulsera, super delicate and sweet.
Lucepulsera is an online store where you can find many accessories all made by hand and with love. Marta is Zaragoza and started doing this by accident and now has become his passion and his life, can see that it is not given too bad, because it has precious things. You can follow her on Instagram (Here), Facebook (here) and its website (here). Also do not miss the discounts you have.
All garments look ye can get on sale, I leave the links below.
Falda: Suiteblanco (Rebajas)
Camiseta: Front Row Shop
Sandalias: Zara (Rebajas)
Bolso: Tienda local
Cazadora: Zara kids (Otra temporada)
Colgantes: Lucepulsera
¿Qué os ha parecido el look? ¿Os gusta este tipo de outfit
creado con prendas tan sencillas?
Un besazo y nos vemos mañana por aquí.
What do you think of the look? You like this kind of outfit created as single items?
A big kiss and see you here tomorrow.
What do you think of the look? You like this kind of outfit created as single items?
A big kiss and see you here tomorrow.
- 20:35:00