Los que me conocen y me siguen saben que el color amarillo
me encanta y que lo utilizo mucho para crear mis outfit y darles color.
Las muchas tonalidades
del amarillo pueden variar desde los más
extremadamente intensos hasta los más suaves y apagados. Ámbar, crema, dorado,
caqui, limón, maíz, mostaza, azafrán,
vainilla. Para el invierno me gusta mucho el caqui y el mostaza, que además esta temporada los encontramos en cantidad de prendas. Pero hoy me voy a
centrar en el mostaza.
Quería comprarme una jersey/sudadera de este color pero no
encontraba ninguna que me gustase, hasta que encontré esta en Blackfive.
tejido es precioso haciendo unos dibujos, el color con un tono perfecto para el
invierno, en los laterales lleva cremallera para hacer apertura y dar un estilo
más sport y desenfadado.
Con esta combinación quería conseguir un look más formal y
arreglado, con los salones en el mismo tono que la sudadera y el cluth de nácar
en color burgundy.
Those who know me and follow me know that I love yellow and I use it a lot to create my outfit and give them color.
The many shades of yellow can range from the extremely intense to soft and muted. Amber, cream, gold, persimmon, lemon, corn, mustard, saffron, vanilla. For the winter I like khaki and mustard, this season also are found in many garments. But today I will focus on the mustard.
I wanted to buy a sweater / sweatshirt this color but could not find any that I liked, until I found this in blackfive.
The fabric is gorgeous doing some drawings with a perfect color for winter tone zipper on the side leads to opening and give a more casual and relaxed style.
With this combination I wanted to get a more formal look and tidy, with rooms in the same tone as the cluth sweatshirt and burgundy pearl in color.
Those who know me and follow me know that I love yellow and I use it a lot to create my outfit and give them color.
The many shades of yellow can range from the extremely intense to soft and muted. Amber, cream, gold, persimmon, lemon, corn, mustard, saffron, vanilla. For the winter I like khaki and mustard, this season also are found in many garments. But today I will focus on the mustard.
I wanted to buy a sweater / sweatshirt this color but could not find any that I liked, until I found this in blackfive.
The fabric is gorgeous doing some drawings with a perfect color for winter tone zipper on the side leads to opening and give a more casual and relaxed style.
With this combination I wanted to get a more formal look and tidy, with rooms in the same tone as the cluth sweatshirt and burgundy pearl in color.
Jersey/sudadera: Blackfive (Link)
Falda: Asos (otra temporada)
Zapatos: Zara (Otra temporada)
Clutch: Vintage (de mi abuela)
Falda: Asos (otra temporada)
Zapatos: Zara (Otra temporada)
Clutch: Vintage (de mi abuela)
¿Qué os ha parecido el look? ¿Os gusta la combinación de
colores? ¿Y el color mostaza?
En esta ocasión lo he combinado con este estilo y color más
neutro, como es el gris, pero próximamente os enseñaré otras combinaciones
Un besazo y mañana nos vemos.
What do you think of the look? You like the color scheme? And the mustard?
This time I have combined with this stylish and neutral color, such as gray, but soon I will show other possible combinations.
Big kiss and see you tomorrow.
What do you think of the look? You like the color scheme? And the mustard?
This time I have combined with this stylish and neutral color, such as gray, but soon I will show other possible combinations.
Big kiss and see you tomorrow.
- 22:23:00