Buenos días precios@s!!
Hoy es jueves, pero para mi es como si fuese viernes, porque mañana es carnaval y los niños tienen fiesta en el cole, además hoy en el cole lo dedicamos hacer máscaras y tendremos un concurso de las mejores máscaras, os colgaré alguna fotito por instagram unvestidorconideas
Seguro que muchas de vosotras teneis esta sudadera de Stradivarius o alguna similar de color rosa. Si no es así, id a la tienda y compraros una en color rosa, porque vuestro armario la necesita ;))
Esta semana os propongo 4 opciones para combinar esta sudadera o cualquiera que tengais en unos colores similares.
Hello Prices @ s!
Today is Thursday, but for me it's as if Friday is because children have carnival and party at school tomorrow, well today we dedicate make masks and have a contest for the best mask, I'll post a pic on instagram unvestidorconideas
Surely many of you have this sweatshirt Stradivarius or similar pink. If not, go to the store and buy you one in pink, for your wardrobe need it;))
This week we propose to combine the 4 options sweatshirt or whatever you have in a similar color.
Today is Thursday, but for me it's as if Friday is because children have carnival and party at school tomorrow, well today we dedicate make masks and have a contest for the best mask, I'll post a pic on instagram unvestidorconideas
Surely many of you have this sweatshirt Stradivarius or similar pink. If not, go to the store and buy you one in pink, for your wardrobe need it;))
This week we propose to combine the 4 options sweatshirt or whatever you have in a similar color.
os han parecido las combinaciones? ¿Tenéis vuestro jersey o sudadera de color
rosa? ¿Cómo os gusta combinarla?
os espero con las compras de la semana, he preparado prendas muy chulas.
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you have like combinations? Do you have your jersey or sweatshirt pink? How do you like to combine?
Tomorrow I hope to purchases of the week, I have prepared very cool clothes.
A kiss and tomorrow.
Tomorrow I hope to purchases of the week, I have prepared very cool clothes.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:04:00