ganas tenia de que llegase este día!. Termino la semana agotada, y este día me
encanta porque sé que mañana no tengo que madrugar.
tenemos las compras de la semana. y os he preparado tres outfit con tres
prendas que me han gustado de Sheinside, una camisa, una sudadera y un top.
Tres prendas que están en tendencia.
Good morning!
How I wish that I had looked forward to this day!. I end the week exhausted, and I love this day because I know I have to get up early tomorrow.
Today we have the weekly shopping. and I have prepared three outfit with three pieces that I liked from Sheinside, a shirt, a sweatshirt and a top. Three items that are trending.
creado tres outfit de diferentes estilos, así cada una se puede identificar en
uno de ellos, aunque yo me veo con el tres pero para tres situaciones
outfit. Me encanto el top en cuanto lo vi, soy fan del color rosa ( por eso
estoy encantada esta temporada), me enamoro el detalle de los hombros y la
elegancia que trasmite. Lo he combinado con falda recta de cuero, botines en
los dos tonos del look (rosa y negro), collar y bolso siguiendo la misma gama
de color, y para darle un toque diferente al look, la chaqueta con estampado de
pata de gallo ¿No os parece un look perfecto? yo creo que me lo voy a comprar
entero jiji.
I created three different styles outfit so you can identify each one of them, but I find myself to three but for three different situations.
First outfit. I loved the top as I saw it, I'm a fan of the color pink (which is why I'm glad this season), I fall shoulder detail and elegance that conveys. I've combined with leather pencil skirt, boots in two-tone look (pink and black), necklace and bag using the same range of color, and to give a different touch to the look, the bomber with houndstooth print? not this a perfect look? I think I'm going to buy whole jiji.
outfit. La camisa me pareció súper divertida, además vi una manera perfecta
para poner un poco de color al otoño (cuando llegue;)). La combinación de azul
y amarillo me parece perfecta ¿soléis combinar estos dos colores?
Second outfit. The shirt I found super fun, and I saw a perfect way to put a little color to the autumn (when it arrives;)). The combination of blue and yellow? Seems perfect you usually combine these two colors?
Second outfit. The shirt I found super fun, and I saw a perfect way to put a little color to the autumn (when it arrives;)). The combination of blue and yellow? Seems perfect you usually combine these two colors?
outfit. La sudadera se va a venir a mi armario ¡YA!, me parece una prenda muy
ponible, versátil, me encanta el estampado y su originalidad. La he combinado
de una manera muy básica, si os digo la verdad la más fácil, aunque ya he
pensado en combinarla con una camisa de cuadros que queda genial. Creo que es
una opción muy cañera con la que podemos triunfar ¿OS gustan este tipo de
Third outfit. The sweatshirt is going to come to my closet NOW, I think a very wearable garment, versatile, I love the print and originality. I've combined a very basic way, to tell you the truth the easiest, but I've thought of combining it with a plaid shirt that looks great. I think it is a very cane with which we can succeed DO YOU like this kind of outfit?
Third outfit. The sweatshirt is going to come to my closet NOW, I think a very wearable garment, versatile, I love the print and originality. I've combined a very basic way, to tell you the truth the easiest, but I've thought of combining it with a plaid shirt that looks great. I think it is a very cane with which we can succeed DO YOU like this kind of outfit?
Collar: Parfois
Botín: Stradivarius
aquí las compras de esta semana ¿Que os han parecido? ¿Con que outfit os quedáis?
gracias a todos por vuestras visitas y comentarios de esta semana, me animáis
mucho para seguir adelante.
fin de semana.
besito y hasta el lunes.
So far this week shopping What you have like? With that outfit you stay?
Thank you all for your visits and comments this week, you encourage me much to go on.
Happy weekend.
A kiss to Monday.
So far this week shopping What you have like? With that outfit you stay?
Thank you all for your visits and comments this week, you encourage me much to go on.
Happy weekend.
A kiss to Monday.
- 7:11:00