¿Cómo ha ido el fin de semana? Los que me seguís por instagram , facebook y twitter habeis podido ver que nosotros hemos estado de bautizo de mi sobrino Nicolás. Lo pasamos súper bien y además con este tiempo que tenemos las cosas se disfrutan doble, ¿no os parece?
Con el look de hoy os quiero volver a demostrar que los
complementos son los que marcan la diferencia en un outfit.
Para este tipo de celebración, que pienso que es como una
comida familiar, no quería complicarme mucho la cabeza en buscar un vestido
especia y diferente…. Y este verano en las rebajas de Zara, lo encontré. Es un
vestido muy sencillo con la espada de detrás un poco más pronunciada, y el cual
te puedes poner para salir a cenar una noche cualquiera. Lo único que necesitaba
este vestido era ponerle los complementos perfectos para este evento.
Se podían poner infinidad de complementos, pero como sabéis
que a mí me gustan las cosas originales, lanzadas y que no estén tan vistas,
opte por una chistera. No había llevado nunca sombrero y esta fue mi primera
vez. Si os digo la verdad al principio me daba vergüenza, pero luego ya me fui
haciendo con ella. Los zapatos iban en el mismo tono que una de las flores de
la chistera, y el bolso decidí que fuese en dorado ya que el tacón de los
zapatos también va ese color.
How was your weekend? Those who follow me on instagram, facebook and twiter ye seen that we have been christening of my nephew Nicholas. We had a great time and also this time we have enjoyed double things, does not it?
With the look of today I want to again demonstrate that supplements are what make the difference in an outfit.
For this type of celebration, I think it's like a family meal, did not want to complicate my head too much spice in finding a dress ... and different. And this upcoming summer at Zara, I found it. It's a very simple dress with a sword from behind a little more pronounced, and which you can put to make dinner any night. All he needed was to put this dress perfect complements for this event.
You could apply an infinite number of accessories, but as you know that I like the original things, and are not released as views, opt for a hat. He had never taken hat and this was my first time. If I'm honest I was embarrassed at first, but then I was already doing it. The shoes were in the same tone as one of the flowers out of the hat, and the bag was decided that since the gold-heeled shoes also will that color.
With the look of today I want to again demonstrate that supplements are what make the difference in an outfit.
For this type of celebration, I think it's like a family meal, did not want to complicate my head too much spice in finding a dress ... and different. And this upcoming summer at Zara, I found it. It's a very simple dress with a sword from behind a little more pronounced, and which you can put to make dinner any night. All he needed was to put this dress perfect complements for this event.
You could apply an infinite number of accessories, but as you know that I like the original things, and are not released as views, opt for a hat. He had never taken hat and this was my first time. If I'm honest I was embarrassed at first, but then I was already doing it. The shoes were in the same tone as one of the flowers out of the hat, and the bag was decided that since the gold-heeled shoes also will that color.
Bolso: Vintage (Mama)
Chistera: Petite Candel
¿Qué os ha parecido el outfit? ¿Lo veis bien para este tipo
de celebración? ¿Os gustan las chisteras?
Como veis, un con vestido de rebajas y unos buenos
complementos podemos crear un outfit perfecto.
Feliz inicio de semana, mañana nos volvemos a ver.
Un besazo
What do you think of the outfit? Do you see well for this type of celebration? Anyone like top hats?
You see a dress with discounts and good supplements can create a perfect outfit.
Happy start to the week, we meet again tomorrow.
Big kiss
You see a dress with discounts and good supplements can create a perfect outfit.
Happy start to the week, we meet again tomorrow.
Big kiss
- 21:53:00