¿Cómo habéis pasado el último fin de semana del verano?
Mañana much@s de nosotr@s volvemos a la rutina, vuelta al trabajo, a la
normalidad y a reencontrarnos con los compañeros.
Mañana vuelvo al cole, pero como estamos en fiestas esta
semana será un poco diferente. Trabajaremos por la mañana y por la tarde disfrutaremos de las fiestas.
Hoy os enseño un Jumpsuit
precioso que tengo desde junio, pero solo me lo he puesto una vez este verano y
no lo pude fotografiar porque era de noche. Por eso, este viernes pasado,
decidí volvérmelo a poner para ir a cenar con los amigos.
Es un jumpsuit muy favorecedor y el estampado del escote lo
hace muy original y diferente. Yo lo compré por Aliexpress, pero lo podemos encontrar
en un montón de tiendas Online como Sheinside, Blackfive, Choies….
Como veis se puede combinar con un montón de colores jugando
con el estampado floral. Yo esta vez lo he combinado con rojo, ¿Con cuál lo combinaríais
How have you spent the last weekend of summer? Tomorrow much @ s of us s return to the routine, back to work, to normal and reconnect with colleagues.
Tomorrow I go back to school, but as we are on holiday this week will be a little different. Work in the morning and in the afternoon enjoy the holidays.
Today I show you a lovely jumpsuit that I have since June, but I've just put me once this summer and I could not photograph because it was night. So last Friday, I decided to return it to wear to dinner with friends.
It is a very flattering and the print jumpsuit neckline makes it very original and different. I bought it by Aliexpress, but we can find plenty of online stores like Sheinside, BlackFive, choies...
Tomorrow I go back to school, but as we are on holiday this week will be a little different. Work in the morning and in the afternoon enjoy the holidays.
Today I show you a lovely jumpsuit that I have since June, but I've just put me once this summer and I could not photograph because it was night. So last Friday, I decided to return it to wear to dinner with friends.
It is a very flattering and the print jumpsuit neckline makes it very original and different. I bought it by Aliexpress, but we can find plenty of online stores like Sheinside, BlackFive, choies...
As you see it can be combined with a lot of colors playing with floral print. I have combined this time with red, With which blend them what you?
Jumpsuit: Aliexpress , Sheinside , Blackfive
Bolso: Zara
Sandalias: Belen Esteban
Pendientes: Zara
Cinturon: H&M
¿Qué os ha parecido el look? Y el jumpsuit ¿Os ha gustado?
Ánimo para todo el mundo que vuelva a la rutina, seguro que
se nos pasa muy pronto!
Un besazo y mañana nos volvemos a ver.
What do you think of the look? And the jumpsuit Do you like it?
Cheer for everyone to return to the routine, sure we passed very soon!
A big kiss and we see each morning.
Cheer for everyone to return to the routine, sure we passed very soon!
A big kiss and we see each morning.
- 21:10:00