¿Cómo ha ido el último fin semana de año? El mío bastante
tranquilo, aquí se ha notado bastante el frío y no ha apetecido salir mucho a la calle.
No se puede decir “NUNCA”, porque seguro que alguna vez en
la vida te tienes que tragar esa palabra. Cuando se pusieron de moda las faldas
de largura midi hace unas temporadas, dije que NUNCA me pondría una, porque yo
no soy muy alta y no me sientan nada bien, pero con el paso del tiempo me he
tenido que tragar esa palabra, ya que la falda que hoy os enseño se ha
convertido en una de mis favoritas.
La falda es de Choies de esta temporada, tiene un tejido que
no se aprecia, pero es un pique precioso, su estampado es perfecto con esos
colores que son tan versátiles que la falda la puedes utilizar en todas las estaciones
del año.
La falda la estrené para el día de Navidad dándole un punto
diferente de fiesta y más sobrio, pero los que me seguís por instagram,
pudisteis ver otra combinación de la falda, siguiendo la gama de los azules,
que también me gusto mucho, y que muy pronto os la enseñaré. Como veis es una
falda que tiene muchas posibilidades, y poco a poco os las iré enseñando.
How have you been the last week end of the year? Pretty quiet mine, here there has been quite cold and did not get out much coveted the street.
You can not say "NEVER", because surely once in life you have to swallow that word. When it became fashionable midi length skirts few seasons ago, I said I would NEVER one, because I am not very high and I do not feel anything right, but over time I've had to swallow that word, because skirt that I teach today has become one of my favorites.
The skirt is choies this season, has a fabric that is not appreciated, but it is a lovely pique, his pattern is perfect with those colors that are so versatile that the skirt can be used in all seasons.
The skirt premiered on Christmas Day giving a different point of celebration and sober, but those who follow me on instagram, ye could see another combination of skirt, following the end of the blue, I really also taste, and very soon I will show you. As you can see is a skirt that has many possibilities, and gradually I will teach you the.
You can not say "NEVER", because surely once in life you have to swallow that word. When it became fashionable midi length skirts few seasons ago, I said I would NEVER one, because I am not very high and I do not feel anything right, but over time I've had to swallow that word, because skirt that I teach today has become one of my favorites.
The skirt is choies this season, has a fabric that is not appreciated, but it is a lovely pique, his pattern is perfect with those colors that are so versatile that the skirt can be used in all seasons.
The skirt premiered on Christmas Day giving a different point of celebration and sober, but those who follow me on instagram, ye could see another combination of skirt, following the end of the blue, I really also taste, and very soon I will show you. As you can see is a skirt that has many possibilities, and gradually I will teach you the.
Falda: Choies(New)Aquí
Top: Tienda local
Zapatos: Zara (New)
Bolso: Parfois
Collar: Zara
¿Qué os parece la falda? ¿Os gusta la largura Midi? ¿También
dijisteis NUNCA a esta largura?
Feliz comienzo de semana, que además es cortita, y mañana
nos espero por aquí con un post especial para despedir el año.
Un besazo.
What do you think the skirt? Do you like the Midi length? Do you also you say NEVER to this length?
Happy start to the week, which is also cortita, and we hope tomorrow here with a special post to dismiss the year.
A big kiss.
Happy start to the week, which is also cortita, and we hope tomorrow here with a special post to dismiss the year.
A big kiss.
- 21:08:00