ha ido el fin de semana?, Nosotros genial, hemos estado por tierra Manchegas,
en Toledo, y hemos disfrutado un montón con los amigos, además el tiempo ha
estado perfecto. Muchas gracias a María y Raúl por acogernos tan bien.
os quiero enseñar el look que lleve el sábado. Tenía muchas ganas de crear esta
combinación geométrica, y creo que quedo genial. Me la puse con zapato plano y
tacón y el look cambia totalmente de uno a otro.
me voy a extender más, ya que no tengo tiempo y lo mejor para que opinéis es
que veáis las fotos. También agradecer a Javi por estas preciosas fotos que me
hizo ;))
Good morning!
How was your weekend?, We great, we've been rushing Manchegas in Toledo, and we enjoyed a lot with friends, and the weather has been perfect. Thank you very much to Mary and Raul for taking us so well.
Today I want to show the look that carries on Saturday. I really wanted to create this geometric combination, and I think I'm great. I put it with flat shoes and heels and look completely changes from one to another.
I will not extend, because I have no time and opinéis is better for you to see the photos. Also thanks to Javi for these beautiful photos made me;))
How was your weekend?, We great, we've been rushing Manchegas in Toledo, and we enjoyed a lot with friends, and the weather has been perfect. Thank you very much to Mary and Raul for taking us so well.
Today I want to show the look that carries on Saturday. I really wanted to create this geometric combination, and I think I'm great. I put it with flat shoes and heels and look completely changes from one to another.
I will not extend, because I have no time and opinéis is better for you to see the photos. Also thanks to Javi for these beautiful photos made me;))
Falda y cinturón: H&M (otra temporada)
Camisa y zapatos: Zara
¿Qué os ha parecido la mezcla de
Gracias por vuestros comentarios y visitas.
Un besito y hasta mañana.
What do you think of the mix of prints?
Thanks for your comments and views.
A kiss and tomorrow.
Thanks for your comments and views.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:08:00