días bonit@s!!
ha ido el fin de semana? Me imagino que genial, porque el tiempo nos ha
acompañado y hemos podido disfrutar mucho más. Yo el sábado estuve de formación
pero el resto de fin de semana lo que dedicado a descansar y disfrutar con la familia
y amigos.
os enseño mi nuevo Crop Top, el cual tiene muchas posibilidades porque lleva
un montón de colores con los que puedes jugar a la hora de combinar.
Cada semana os iré enseñando una combinación
diferente con el Crop Top. Esta semana me he decantado en
combinarlo con la gama de los rosáceos,
he jugado con diferentes rosa y también he incorporado el morado, el cual creo
que queda estupendamente.
Good morning !
How was your weekend? I imagine that great because the weather has been with us and have enjoyed more. I was training on Saturday but the rest of the weekend so dedicated to relax and enjoy with family and friends.
Today I show you my new Crop Top, which has great potential because it takes a lot of colors that you can play when combining.
Every week I will be teaching a different combination with Crop Top. This week I opted to combine it with the range of pinkish, I played with different pink and purple have also incorporated, which I think is great.
How was your weekend? I imagine that great because the weather has been with us and have enjoyed more. I was training on Saturday but the rest of the weekend so dedicated to relax and enjoy with family and friends.
Today I show you my new Crop Top, which has great potential because it takes a lot of colors that you can play when combining.
Every week I will be teaching a different combination with Crop Top. This week I opted to combine it with the range of pinkish, I played with different pink and purple have also incorporated, which I think is great.
Crop Top: Zara (Nueva temporada)
Pantalón: Stradivarius (Nueva temporada)
Zapato abotinado: Suiteblanco (Viejo)
Bolso y cinturón: Primark
Colgante: Mercadillo
Cazadora: Zara
os ha parecido la combinación de hoy? ¿Os gusta la gama de colores de los rosáceos?
semana que viene os enseño otra combinación y estilo diferentes.
besazo y feliz lunes.
What do you think of the combination of today? You like the color range of rosy?
Next week I teach other combination and different style.
Next week I teach other combination and different style.
A big kiss and Happy Mondays.
- 7:07:00