El último post de la semana lo publico desde Madrid. Me he
venido hasta el sábado para hacer un curso de formación, con que estos días estaré por aquí.
En las compras de esta semana os voy a proponer diferentes
cosas para comprar.
Empiezo con un look completo que he comprado en Blackfive y
que tengo muchas ganas de que llegue. Las tres prendas por separado me encantan
y sé que me van a dar mucho juego este otoño/invierno, pero juntas me parece un
look súper Chic con la combinación de tres prendas de diferente estilo.
The last post of the week I publish from Madrid. I'm here until Saturday to do a training course, that'll be around these days.
In shopping for this week I am going to suggest different things to buy.
I start with a complete look that I bought in blackfive and I'm looking forward to it. The three items separately I love and know I will get a lot of play this fall / winter, but together I think a super chic look with a combination of three different style garments.
In shopping for this week I am going to suggest different things to buy.
I start with a complete look that I bought in blackfive and I'm looking forward to it. The three items separately I love and know I will get a lot of play this fall / winter, but together I think a super chic look with a combination of three different style garments.
El martes por instagram os enseñé los zapatos que sin querer
me compré, y de verdad que sin querer, porque salí a coger hojas con Mateo y al
pasar por el escaparate de una tienda me quede enamorados de ellos y no pude
On Tuesday I taught instagram shoes that I bought accidentally, and truth without love, because I went to pick up leaves with Matthew and passing by a shop I fell in love with them and I could not resist.
Sé que a muchas de vosotras os gustaron y me preguntasteis de donde
eran. Yo los compré en una tienda de Ejea “AISS”, pero por internet en esta
dirección podéis conseguirlos directamente. Deciros que son súper cómodos, y
quedan preciosos en el pie.
Os muestro toda la colección de esta temporada, son todos
I know many of you girls liked me preguntasteis and where they were. I bought them in a store Ejea "ISSA", but internet can get this address directly. Tell them they are super comfortable, and are precious in the foot.
I show the entire collection this season, they are all beautiful.
I show the entire collection this season, they are all beautiful.
¿Qué os han parecido las compras de esta semana? ¿Que es lo
que más os ha gustado?
A disfrutar del fin de semana y el lunes nos volvemos a ver.
Un besazo
What do you have like shopping this week? What do you most liked?
To enjoy the weekend and on Monday, we meet again.
Big kiss
To enjoy the weekend and on Monday, we meet again.
Big kiss
- 23:29:00