el día no esté muy soleado, da igual porque hoy es viernes y tenemos las
compras de la semana, y podemos aprovechar para irnos de compras.
semana os voy a poner unos Crop Top que me han gustado por el diseño, el
tejido, color y lo mejor de todo el precio. Ya sabéis que yo no soy mucho de
crop top, pero me compré dos y me encantan como quedan, ya que no son muy
cortos y la prenda de abajo que me pongo, siempre son de talle alto, para no
enseñar nada o muy poco. Os digo que no hace falta tener la tripa plana para
poder llevarlos, ya que yo no la tengo y no me veo mal. La semana que viene os
enseño un look con crop top y opináis.
los crop tops son de Stradivarius. Creo que esta prenda está siendo muy
explotada en esta tienda y encontramos un montón de ellos con diferentes
estilos, tejidos, colores...
tenéis el vuestro? ¿Os gustan los que os propongo?
Good morning!
Although not too sunny day, does not matter because it's Friday and we have the weekly shopping, and we can use to go shopping.This week I am going to put a Crop Top that I liked the design, the fabric, color and best of all the price. You know that I'm not much of crop top, but I bought two and love them as are, as there are very short and down garment I wear, high-waisted always, not to teach anything or very little. I tell you, no need to have the guts to bring flat, since I have none and I look bad. Next week I teach a look with crop top and do you think.
All crop tops are of Stradivarius. I think this piece is being heavily exploited in this store and found a lot of them with different styles, fabrics, colors ...
Do you already have yours? Would you like that I propose?
Although not too sunny day, does not matter because it's Friday and we have the weekly shopping, and we can use to go shopping.This week I am going to put a Crop Top that I liked the design, the fabric, color and best of all the price. You know that I'm not much of crop top, but I bought two and love them as are, as there are very short and down garment I wear, high-waisted always, not to teach anything or very little. I tell you, no need to have the guts to bring flat, since I have none and I look bad. Next week I teach a look with crop top and do you think.
All crop tops are of Stradivarius. I think this piece is being heavily exploited in this store and found a lot of them with different styles, fabrics, colors ...
Do you already have yours? Would you like that I propose?
Esta temporada estoy
súper contenta porque soy una fan incondicional del color rosa, y
encontramos un montón de prendas de ese color en las tiendas. Os enseño dos
vestidos de Sheinside que me encantan, son de estilos diferentes pero el
color es muy similar ¿Con cuál os quedaríais?
This season I'm super happy because I am a huge fan of the color pink, and found lots of clothes of that color in stores. I show two Sheinside dresses that I love, are of different styles but the color is very similar With which would you choose?
Para terminar un
botín que me parece súper estiloso, cómodo y muy ponible con todos nuestros
looks, ¿Que os parecen?
To end a booty that seems super stylish, comfortable and very wearable with all our looks, what do you think?
aquí las compras de las semana. Espero que hayáis cogido alguna idea.
deseo un feliz fin de semana. Yo tengo muchas ganas de mañana, ya que he
quedado con la gente de la universidad que hace 12 años que no he visto a
algun@s, ya os contaré.
besito y hasta mañana.
So far the purchases of the week. I hope you caught some idea.
I wish you a happy weekend. I am looking forward I have since I've been with the college crowd that 12 years ago I have not seen any @ s, I'll tell you.
A kiss and tomorrow.
I wish you a happy weekend. I am looking forward I have since I've been with the college crowd that 12 years ago I have not seen any @ s, I'll tell you.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 7:11:00