tiempo pensando en introducir otra vez la sección que estuvo entre todas
nosotras la temporada pasada " Help!! I need a tip", y
gracias a dos hermanas de Madrid vamos a poder disfrutar otra vez de esta ayuda
y asesoramiento sobre prendas que no sabemos cómo combinarlas.
semana comenzamos con una consulta de una chica de Madrid (María), la cual
tiene una boda, y tenía el vestido pero estaba atascada y no sabía que
complementos ponerle.
mando fotos del vestido y me pues manos a la obra:
Good morning!
Had long been planning to introduce the section again was among us all last season "Help!! I need a tip", and by two sisters in Madrid we will be able to enjoy again this help and advice on clothes that do not know how to combine them.
This week we begin with a consultation of a girl from Madrid (Mary), which has a wedding, and had the dress but was stuck and did not know who put ons.
He sent me pictures of the dress and then I get to work:
Had long been planning to introduce the section again was among us all last season "Help!! I need a tip", and by two sisters in Madrid we will be able to enjoy again this help and advice on clothes that do not know how to combine them.
This week we begin with a consultation of a girl from Madrid (Mary), which has a wedding, and had the dress but was stuck and did not know who put ons.
He sent me pictures of the dress and then I get to work:
Con las combinaciones que he creado he querido conseguir dar un poco de color y luz al look y que quedase un conjunto con clase y estiloso. Estas son las combinaciones:
With the combinations I created I wanted to get some color and light to look and set quedase classy and stylish. These are the combinations:
Zapato: Zara
Collar: Zara
Zapatos: Zara
Clutch: Zara
Pendientes: Zara
Collar: Zara
Zapato: Mango
Blazer: Zara
Clutch: Parfois
Pendientes: Parfois
Collar: Zara
Blazer: Zara
Zapatos: Mango
Clutch: Parfois
Pendientes: Parfois.
Blazer: Zara
Zapato: Zara
Clutch: Parfois
os han parecido? ¿Con cuál os quedaríais?
al final se ha decantando por el conjunto azul, el primero, porque dice que es
su color favorito y además yo creo que le va a favorecer mucho.
sabéis, si tenéis una prenda que no sabéis como combinarla o necesitáis más
ideas a la hora de hacerlo, mandarme la prenda a mi correo
rebeca-romeo-cortes@hotmail.com, y yo os mandaré todas las opciones y
combinaciones que se me ocurran.
nos vemos con las compras de la semana.
besito y hasta mañana.
What do you have like? With which would you choose?
She was eventually plumping for the blue set, the first, because he says that is his favorite color and also I think he will certainly improve.
You know, if you have an item that you know how to combine it or need more ideas when you do, send the article to my email rebeca-romeo-cortes@hotmail.com, and I will send all the options and combinations that I occur.
Tomorrow we are with the weekly shopping.
A kiss and tomorrow.
She was eventually plumping for the blue set, the first, because he says that is his favorite color and also I think he will certainly improve.
You know, if you have an item that you know how to combine it or need more ideas when you do, send the article to my email rebeca-romeo-cortes@hotmail.com, and I will send all the options and combinations that I occur.
Tomorrow we are with the weekly shopping.
A kiss and tomorrow.
- 6:56:00