Hoy no he tenido que ir a trabajar por fiesta local del pueblo,
y he llegado a la conclusión de que todas las semanas tenían que tener el miércoles
de fiesta, ya que la semana se lleva mucho mejor y se trabaja con más alegría y felicidad ;))
El sábado pasado tuve comida familiar para celebrar el
cumpleaños de la mami, y no tenía pensado que ponerme, solo sabía que quería ir
con ropa que abrigase, ir cómoda y a la vez mona. Pensé en ponerme el jersey
rojo con la camisa de rayas rojas y un pantalón como me lo puse un día y os
enseñé por instagram, pero lo vi muy soso y decidí combinarlo con la falda de estampado
étnico, haciendo un mix de estampados, y la mezcla me gustó bastante, porque no
quedo nada mal ¿No os parece? ¿Os gusta combinar diferentes estampados?
Today there I had to go to work in the local village fete, and I have come to the conclusion that every week had to be on Wednesday holiday, because the week is much better and works with more joy and happiness ;))
Last Saturday I had family meal to celebrate mom's birthday, and had thought myself, I just knew I wanted to go with clothes abrigase, get comfortable yet cute. I thought of myself red jersey with red-striped shirt and trousers as I put it one day and I taught for instagram, but I saw very bland and decided to combine it with the skirt ethnic print, making a mix of prints, and I quite liked mix, because I do not keep anything wrong would not you think? You like to combine different patterns?
Last Saturday I had family meal to celebrate mom's birthday, and had thought myself, I just knew I wanted to go with clothes abrigase, get comfortable yet cute. I thought of myself red jersey with red-striped shirt and trousers as I put it one day and I taught for instagram, but I saw very bland and decided to combine it with the skirt ethnic print, making a mix of prints, and I quite liked mix, because I do not keep anything wrong would not you think? You like to combine different patterns?
falda: Blackfive (temporada)
Jersey y camisa: Zara (Otra temporada)
Zapatos: Zara (temporada)
Mañana os espero con las compras de la semana.
Un besazo
Tomorrow I will look purchases week.
a big kiss
a big kiss
- 22:23:00