ha ido el fin de semana? Ya se va notando el calorcito, ahora solo nos falta
irnos a la playa, pero ya va quedando menos.
viernes os propuse como compra de la semana una falda de
encaje asimétrica, y os dije
dos lugares donde la podíais comprar aquí. Yo os comente que la había comprado en Aliexpress,
y casualidades de la vida que el viernes pasado la recibí en casa.
es normal, este fin de semana no dude en estrenarla, pero no la combine como había pensado en un primer momento en cuanto
la vi, y como os las propuse
el viernes, porque estoy con tendinitis y me han prohibido terminantemente ponerme tacón.
Por esto, pensé en combinarla de una manera
más casual utilizando las cuñas de
zara, El resultado no ha quedado mal, pero creo que es una falda que va a
quedar doble mejor con un zapato o una sandalia de tacón.
How was your weekend? Already being felt the warmth, now we only need to go to the beach, but it is becoming less.
On Friday I proposed as weekly shopping asymmetrical lace skirt, and I told two places where podíais buy here. I will comment that he had bought in Aliexpress, and coincidences of life that I received last Friday at home.
As usual, this weekend feel free to release it, but do not combine as I thought at first when I saw her, and as I suggested on Friday's because I'm with tendonitis and have forbidden me to wear heels. Therefore, I thought of combining a more casual manner using wedges zara, the result has not been bad, but I think it's a skirt that will look twice as good with a shoe or sandal heels.
On Friday I proposed as weekly shopping asymmetrical lace skirt, and I told two places where podíais buy here. I will comment that he had bought in Aliexpress, and coincidences of life that I received last Friday at home.
As usual, this weekend feel free to release it, but do not combine as I thought at first when I saw her, and as I suggested on Friday's because I'm with tendonitis and have forbidden me to wear heels. Therefore, I thought of combining a more casual manner using wedges zara, the result has not been bad, but I think it's a skirt that will look twice as good with a shoe or sandal heels.
Falda de encaje: aquí
Top: Zara (Temporada pasada)
Cuñas: Zara aquí
Cinturón: Primark
Clutch: Suiteblanco
Pendientes: Dayaday
Gafas: Karen Walker
os ha parecido? ¿Os gusta como queda con las cuñas? ¿Pensáis como yo que
quedará mejor con un zapato o sandalia de tacón?
cuanto se me arregle la tendinitis lo primero que voy hacer es combinarla de la
manera que tenia pensada, y así podremos comparar.
que muchas de vosotras estabais interesadas en comprarla y otras ya me
dijisteis que la habías comprado. La falda es talla única y equivale como una
36 y hasta una 38 pequeña, pero no más, os lo digo para que os hagáis una idea.
Si tenéis alguna duda escribidme y os la resuelvo.
besazo y hasta mañana.
What do you think? Do you like how it is with wedges? Do you think like me you will be better with a shoe or sandal heel?
As soon as I can arrange tendinitis first thing I'll do is combine the way I had intended, so we can compare.
I know many of you are interested in buying and you were me and you said other than you bought. The skirt is one size and is equivalent as a 36 and 38 to a small, but no more, I tell to give you an idea. If you have any questions write me and you the resolve.
A big kiss and tomorrow.
As soon as I can arrange tendinitis first thing I'll do is combine the way I had intended, so we can compare.
I know many of you are interested in buying and you were me and you said other than you bought. The skirt is one size and is equivalent as a 36 and 38 to a small, but no more, I tell to give you an idea. If you have any questions write me and you the resolve.
A big kiss and tomorrow.
- 21:14:00